Tactical Coffee Tasting: Discover the Best Military Coffee Brands & How to Savor Every Sip

Tactical Coffee Tasting: Discover the Best Military Coffee Brands & How to Savor Every Sip

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Coffee isn't just a morning fuel for many veterans; it's a ritual, a source of camaraderie, and a reminder of shared experiences. But have you ever considered taking your appreciation to the next level by learning how to do a coffee tasting? Also known as "cupping," this engaging practice allows you to explore the nuances of different brews, understand the impact of various roasts and grinds, and truly savor the complexity that top military coffee brands offer.

How to Do a Coffee Tasting at Home: Veteran Edition

What You'll Need:

  • Several Military Coffee Brands: Choose beans with different origins, roasts, or processing methods for a varied tasting experience. Whole bean is ideal.
  • Coffee grinder: If using whole beans, a burr grinder is preferable for consistent grind size.
  • Cupping bowls or small mugs: Each coffee needs its own vessel.
  • Cupping spoons: These spoons have a wider bowl for slurping.
  • Kettle: For heating water.
  • Filtered water: Clean water is essential for tasting the coffee's true flavors.
  • Timer: Crucial for accurate brewing.
  • Notepad and pen: To record observations.


  1. Prepare your beans: If using whole beans, grind them just before brewing. Aim for a medium-coarse grind.
  2. Heat water: Bring water to a boil, then let it cool slightly (around 200°F/93°C) for optimal extraction.
  3. Measure coffee: Use a scale for accuracy. A general ratio is 8.25 grams of coffee per 150 ml of water.
  4. Add coffee to bowls: Distribute the ground coffee evenly among the bowls.
  5. Smell the dry grounds: Take note of the aromas (fruity, floral, earthy, etc.).
  6. Pour water over coffee: Start the timer as soon as you begin pouring. Ensure all grounds are saturated.
  7. Wait and observe: Allow the coffee to steep for 4 minutes. Observe the "bloom" as the coffee releases gasses.
  8. Break the crust: After 4 minutes, gently break the crust of grounds on top with a spoon. Inhale the aromas.
  9. Skim the grounds: Scoop away any remaining grounds floating on top.
  10. Slurp and taste! Once the coffee has cooled a bit (after about 8 minutes), use your spoon to take a loud slurp. 
  11. Compare and contrast: Taste each coffee side-by-side to identify differences and preferences.

Now that you understand the basics of coffee tasting, let's elevate your experience and learn how to taste coffee like a true connoisseur.

How to Taste Coffee Like a Pro: Developing Your Palate

  1. Slurp: Don't be afraid to slurp your coffee! This aerates it, spreading the coffee across your palate and allowing you to experience the full range of flavors.
  2. Focus on Acidity: Acidity is the bright, tangy quality in coffee. It can be citrusy, fruity, or even wine-like.
  3. Evaluate Body: Body refers to the weight and texture of coffee in your mouth. It can range from light and tea-like to heavy and syrupy.
  4. Identify Flavors: Coffee can have a vast array of flavors, from sweet and fruity to earthy and spicy. Take note of what you taste – perhaps it's chocolate, nuts, berries, or even tobacco.
  5. Notice the Finish: The finish is the aftertaste that lingers in your mouth. Is it clean, sweet, bitter, or lingering?
  6. Write down your tasting notes so you don’t forget your favorites. 

Additional Tips:

  • Cleanse Your Palate: Drink water between tastings to reset your taste buds.
  • Start Simple: Begin with two or three coffees to avoid sensory overload. Bonefrog Coffee offers a convenient sample pack of 8 unique roasts. Take their Coffee Finder quiz and discover your new favorites!
  • Have Fun! There are no right or wrong answers. Trust your own palate and enjoy the journey.
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